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EVMI® Risk Management

All projects come with a degree of risks (some known, some unknown) and they will contain elements of risk.

EVMI’s approach is to assess these risks with you, establish appropriate mitigation plans and then proactively manage the identified risks to closure.

EVMI has a standardised risk management process that is used as a starting point to define the risk management plan. A risk identification workshop is convened early on in the project planning phase where identified risks are assigned owners who will be responsible for developing mitigation plans. These plans are assessed and tracked by the project office and project risks become an ongoing focus item for the Risk Management Team reporting and reviews.

At a minimum, risk impact analyses and containment/contingrncy plans will include the following:

  • Financial impact on the project budget;
  • Schedule impact on declared deliverables;
  • Quality impact on satisfaction with the deliverable.

Typical risks include:

  • Full or partial interruption of service;
  • Departure of key employees;
  • Shortfall in skills and knowledge;
  • Compromised security levels;
  • Availability of appropriately skilled resources;
  • Lack of transparency;
  • Miscommunication.

You can be confident in the knowledge that EVMI has the skills, experience, processes and resources to manage any of the risks to your project during all phases of the project life-cycle. Our Risk Management Processes  include: Risk Identification, Risk Probability & Impact Analysis, Risk Management, Risk Tracking & Control, Risk Response Planning

We Apply Industry Standard Risk Benchmarks:

Plan Risk Management

We decide and finalize how to approach and plan the risk management activities for your project

Identify Risks

We determine which risks might affect the project and documenting their characteristics

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

We perform a qualitative analysis of risks and their conditions and prioritize their effects on the project objectives

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

We measure the probability/likelihood and consequences of risks and estimate their implications for project objectives

Plan Risk Responses

We develop procedures and techniques to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the project’s objectives

Monitor and Control Risks

We monitor residual risks, identify new risks, execute risk reduction plans, and evaluate their effectiveness throughout the project life cycle

Why firms, businesses and organizations choose us

High Quality Senior Risk Consultants

Our Risk Consultants have a wide and diverse in all areas of Risk Strategy Consulting

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Implement the ISO 31000 Risk Management Industry Standards

Our Risk Consultants will help you effectively implement the ISO 31000 Risk Industry Standards across your organization

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Implement Comprehensive & Proactive Risk Management Strategy & Delivery

Our Risk Consultants will help you implement a comprehensive risk strategy across your organization at all levels

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We Translate Your Risk Charts & Advise Next Steps

We Establish & Maintain Your Risk Registers & Risk Break Down Structures (RBS)

Technical Risks
Project Mgmt Risks
Financial Risks
External Risks

Risk on the go! From Day One of the Project through the End....How will you handle Risks on Your Projects?