TOPIC 1: Effectively & Efficiently Applying EVMATOM® On Our Projects To Reduce Risks Of Cost Overruns, Schedule Delays, And Project Failure
On World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™, the speaker, Professor Kwaku Akyeampong, MS, MS, MS, EVMP®, CEVO, RQMP®, CCAM® aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ will showcase how to effectively implement, apply and leverage the EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix® tool on your projects and programs to reduce risks of cost overruns, schedule delays and project failure
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding and application of EVMATOM® on our projects and programs worldwide and to improve, enhance and increase our success delivery rates of our projects and programs using applied Earned Value Management Accountability, Transparency and Oversight through EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix®
EVMi®’s global campaign focuses on encouraging all EVMi® certified Earned Value Management Professional®s EVMP®s, CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officers®, EVMD/EVMOs, Project Team members, Project Control Officers, Control Account Managers (CAMs), Planners, Schedulers, Project Management practitioners and PMI® certified Project Management Professional®s (PMP®s) world-wide to lead the way and take concrete steps and actions to implement EVMATOM® effectively and efficiently on their projects and programs to reduce risks of cost overruns and schedule delays.
EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix® Benefits:
EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix® application and use on projects and organizations leads to:
1) Increased responsibility, accountability, transparency, problem-solving and oversight on all Project and Earned Value Management (EVM) related efforts
2) Effective, efficient, and timely problem solving and management of all significant variances (cost, schedule and quality) across a project
3) Building a world community of EVMi® certified Earned Value Management Professional®s (EVMP®s); EVMi® certified Chief Earned Value Officer®s (CEVO®s); EVMi® certified CCAM® Certified Control Account Manager®s; EVMi® certified RQMP® Risk & Quality Management Professional®s; Earned Value Management practitioners and Project Management practitioners who are totally committed to supporting the building of world-class robust, scalable, reliable and transparent Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) and Project Control systems within their organizations
This campaign also features a dedicated Facebook page, serving as a platform and medium for all EVMi® certified Earned Value Management Professional®s EVMP®s; CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officers®; Project Team members; Project practitioners and PMI® certified Project Management Professionals (PMP®s) around the world to share their experiences through posts and videos on how EVMBoK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge® and EVMATOM® is helping their projects and organizations achieve their desired results and positive outcomes. Join our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/WorldEVMDay
The Importance and Functions of the CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer® in any organization/project
Who is the CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer®?
The CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer® Role and the C-Suite Level Corporate Officers
The CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer® and the EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix®
The CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer® and EVMBoK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge® Execution & Results Delivery
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ is a trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
EVMBoK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge® is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix® is a registered trademark of Mr. Kwaku Appiah Nuamah Akyeampong in the USA and internationally
EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
CEVO® Chief Earned Value Officer® is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
CCAM® Certified Control Account Manager® is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
RQMP® Risk & Quality Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
Speaker – Professor Kwaku Akyeampong, MS, MS, MS, EVMP®, CEVO, RQMP® aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ started his early schooling in the USA while his father, Dr. Yaw Akyeampong studied and completed his PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA and his mother Madam Agatha Hope Pokua completed her university studies.
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ completed his primary education at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Primary School, Kumasi, Ghana; middle and high school education at Prempeh College, Kumasi, Ghana; and University education in the former Soviet Union at the Kiev State University, USSR; and in the United States at the George Washington University.
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is a Senior Project Management and Information Technology expert with over two decades of experience providing Information Technology (IT) advisory consulting, advanced project management services, project controls implementation, and earned value management (EVM) consulting and training services across industry, defense, commercial, federal government and international sectors.
In addition to providing project management consulting, Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ globally trains participants in both English and Russian languages in the areas of project controls, EVM, project management, construction management, risk management, quality management, project scheduling, project planning, database management, and information security. Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ has trained thousands of project participants globally.
/ENCLOSED PICTURE —- JUNE 2009 – EVMi® President Mr. Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ (in middle) at the United States Senate with Senator Max Baucus, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee (right) and Senator Jon Tester, member of US Senate Finance Committee (left)/
Professional – Summary
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is a globally renowned Earned Value Management (EVM) and Project Management trainer and advisory consultant for corporate leaders and executives, project executives, project personnel, managers, senior managers, project managers, earned value management professionals and project professionals seeking to prevent cost overruns and schedule delays on their projects using advanced project management methods, processes and systems; earned value management (EVM) methods; quality management and risk management to improve overall project performance and results.
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ has provided EVMI® related services to EVMI® clients in the USA which include among many others: IBM, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, BOEING, GE GENERAL ELECTRIC, GM GENERAL MOTORS, FORD, TechGuard Security®, USDA United States Department of Agriculture, SCITOR, FAA Federal Aviation Administration; National Government Services; Sandia National Laboratories (Lockheed Martin); CSC; ATK Systems; AAI; REIC; Sypris Electronics; US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI); US ARMY; US Department of Veteran’s Affairs; SRA International; AECOM; Qinetiq-North America, PRAXIS, Gunnison Consulting Group; VOLVO North America; Wellpoint; BOEING; SAS; BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON; MITRE; IBM North America; DELOITTE TOUCHE North America; ERNST & YOUNG; NORTHROP GRUMMAN; BAE Systems; PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to name a few.
/ENCLOSED PICTURE —- MAY 2003 – EVMi® President Mr. Kwaku Akyeampong featured in the Washington Post during 2003 Graduation at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA/
Foreign Languages
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ speaks fluent Russian, Chinese, Spanish
Outreach & Impact
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is a prolific speaker and passionate advocate for ending: bad work attitudes; poor work ethics; inability to resolve root causes of problems; poor management practices; complacency; failed leadership; lack of team work; lack of team building programs; lack of proper EVM training; lack of project controls training; lack of proper project management training; lack of transparency; lack of accountability and oversight; lack of risk management and quality management systems; lack of efficient change management systems; lack of efficient communications systems; and many more factors that cause projects to end up in cost overruns and schedule delays on a recurring basis globally.
‘A Project without Earned Value Management (EVM) is like driving your car at night in pitch darkness without your headlights on™’ By Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™, EVMI® President on 27th April 2010
‘EVMP®s help eliminate waste, cost overruns and schedule delays on projects’ By Kwaku Akyeampong, EVMI® President on 28th August 2010
‘We don’t have unlimited time. We don’t have unlimited budgets. What we have is the ability and capability to provide value on the projects that we deliver to our clients, and have these projects done on time and within budget. EVMI®’s training programs provides those skills, know-how and competencies to deliver value on all projects across all industries’ By Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ EVMI® President on 27th September 2010
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is holder of:
Master of Science (MS) Degree in Economics from Kiev State University, Soviet Union (USSR). Specialization in International Economic Relations & Trade Economics.
Master of Science (MS) Degree in Information Systems Technology from George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Master of Science (MS) Degree in Project Management from George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is holder of:
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Executive Competencies Certificate, CIO University, Washington DC, USA
EVMP®, Earned Value Management Professional®, Earned Value Management Institute®, EVMI®, Virginia, USA
CEVO®, Chief Earned Value Officer®, Earned Value Management Institute®, EVMI®, Virginia, USA
RQMP®, Risk & Quality Management Professional®, Earned Value Management Institute®, EVMI®, Virginia, USA
MPOTA™ Master’s Certification In Project Oversight, Transparency & Accountability™; Earned Value Management Institute®, EVMI®, Virginia, USA™
MPMEVM™ Master’s Certification In Project Management and Earned Value Management™; Earned Value Management Institute®, EVMI®, Virginia, USA™.
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is EVMi® President and Senior Technical instructor
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ has previously held the following positions (1989 to 2009) in academia, industry, and worked internationally on Information Technology projects around the globe, from Russia to Asia, Europe, Africa and the United States:
Executive Director at EVMS Consulting Group, USA (EVMS Consulting Group provides earned value management consulting services)
Advisory Information Technology Specialist & Project Manager at IBM Global Services, Fairfax, USA (IBM Global Services is the world’s largest technology and management consulting services firm)
Senior Manager & Corporate Earned Value Management (EVM) Lead at BearingPoint, USA (BearingPoint was one of the top management consulting services in the USA, and now owned by Deloitte Touche)
Senior Project Management Subject Matter Expert/Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton, USA (Booz Allen Hamilton is one of the top three management consulting services firms in the United States)
Senior Information Technology Project Manager at SI International, USA
Senior Project Controls Manager at Rockwell Collins, USA (Rockwell Collins is a leading aerospace and engineering firm in the USA)
Senior Database Technology Manager at NTT Verio, Japan & USA (NTT Verio is the world’s largest web hosting company)
Project Management & Technology Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, USA (PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, formerly owned by Pricewaterhousecoopers was a top management consulting services firm in the USA, and acquired by IBM in 2002)
Senior Earned Value Management (EVM) Analyst at Conwal, Inc, USA
Senior Project Management Consultant at Intellisource Information Systems, USA
Adjunct Computer Science Professor at Howard University, USA (Howard University is the oldest and premier minority university in the USA)
Intern, VNESHECONOMBANK (Foreign Economic Relations & Trade Bank), Moscow, SOVIET UNION (VNESHECONOMBANK was the largest Foreign Trade Bank in the former Soviet Union).
Professor Kwaku Akyeampong aka DoctorEVM™ Doctor Earned Value Management™ – America’s EVM Expert™ is inventor and owner of:
EVMATOM® Earned Value Management Accountability, Transparency and Oversight Matrix®
GPMS® Global Project Management Systems®
GEVMS™ Global Earned Value Management Systems™
EVMRQM® Earned Value Management Risk & Quality Model®
EVPMO® Earned Value Project Management Office®
The Kwaku Akyeampong Approach to Earned Value Management Excellence®
The Kwaku Akyeampong 7 Keys to Effective Earned Value Management®
The Kwaku Akyeampong Approach to Project Management Excellence®
The Kwaku Akyeampong Formula for Earned Value Management System (EVMS) Success™
KAP3M4™ The Kwaku Akyeampong Project, Program and Portfolio Management Monitoring Maturity Model™
P3D® President’s Projects Portfolio Dashboard® (P3D® is used for Earned Value Management (EVM) and other Project Management Reporting. P3D® is used on PROJECTS ACROSS ALL INDUSTRIES)
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
Date, Location and Schedule
Each participant receives a copy of EVMBoK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge®, Platinum Edition, Release 1
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally
World EVM Day™ World Earned Value Management Day™ is a registered trademark of EVMi® Earned Value Management Institute® in the USA and internationally